Saturday, 6 September 2014

Canadian Cancer Society / Societe Canadienne du Cancer - Division QUEBEC against Harm Reduction!

For as long as I can remember, I loved the Canadian Cancer Society and everything they stood for. Now..

As long as the CCS/SCC continues attacking Harm Reduction tools like E-CIGS, I will NEVER trust them or donate! They really disappointed me When they began their campaign against this miraculous product, especially the QUEBEC division. 

At this very moment, The CCS/SCC can forget about me, and as you can see, I'm not the only one Who feels this way.

Comment from a member:

Grant Hepworth I quit donating towards Cancer research many years ago, once I worked for one of these organizations and realized that they are extremely top heavy and only a small percentage of their funds go towards research. Now with the research it gets even worse, since the money is given out as grants, or direct payments to pharma companies to do the R&D, then the Pharma company charges the end user for this product. Which as we all know doesn't work.

Anyone Have a comment? What do you think of the 

Canadian Cancer Society and all it's divisions across 

Canada fighting against Electronic Cigarettes and Harm 


Comment below:

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