Rant, Rant, Rant,
NRT VS Electronic Cigarettes.. I used every NRT and Pharma drug to try and quit smoking and guess what, none worked. After many tries over the years, the only thing that ever worked for me to quit that nasty habit was The Electronic Cigarette. It only took me 7 days to be Tobacco Free. Simply Amazing!
How long did it take you to quit and switch? Please comment below :-)
Government agencies like the FDA, Health Canada and Non-Profit Organisations like the Cancer Societies, NRA all want Electronic Cigarettes to fall under their Tobacco Acts, to regulate them as If Electronic Cigarettes we're just like real Tobacco with real smoke. It's totally ridiculous. There is NO Tobacco in Electronic Cigarettes. None! You cannot turn a product into something that it is not. It's not Logical. It's not Tobacco, it's an Alternative to Tobacco. It's a consumer recreational product, nothing else. No Health claims are made by any vendors.
Do you have anything to say about this? Comment.
Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos is the leading scientific researcher that is well known all across the globe, especially by us Vapers. His research is non-biased, sound, logical and very clear. Konstantinos knows where He's going with his research, and everyone should listen up to What He has to say, that includes our Governments and all affiliated. Here is his main research site:
Dr.Konstantinos Farsalinos is currently participating in the Intervendor Study for defining standards of strain measurements, organized jointly by ASE and EACVI. I am responsible for data collection and analysis of the study, performed at the university hospital Gathuisberg, Leuven-Belgium, under the supervision of Professor Jens-Uwe Voigt. Seven manufacturers were invited and echocardiograms were performed will all mahines in a group of patients. Global longitudinal strain measurements will be analyzed and compared between each machine. Additionally, two manufacturers of software dedicated for measurement of strain will be included in the study.
Accredited in Transthoracic Echocardiography by the European Association of Echocardiography.
ALS provider (European Resuscutation Council).
Specialties: Echocardiography
Cardiac Imaging
Imaging in heart failure, ventricular assist devices, heart-transplant recipients, coronary artery disease, valve disease.
Research inerests: myocardial deformation, effects of smoking on cardiac function and coronary flow.
***Has been performing laboratory and clinical research on electronic cigarettes since 2011.
Peace or Anarchy.. Could it get that bad? Maybe...
If the government takes away our Freedom to choose a Healthier Alternative to killer Tobacco, it could get ugly. With all the misinformation and lies going around, from our Governments, Non-Profit Agencies, Quit Smoking agencies, The WHO, it's make one wonder, What are their real motives?
Peace or Anarchy, It's up to them to decide...
What do you think?
I just want to personally congradulate EVERYONE Who has switched to Electronic Cigarettes and are feeling healthier and doing well. It's not easy at first, but nothing is impossible. Thumbs up to the Vapers of the World!

Keep your heads up, stay strong, never stop fighting for your right to Vape.
I'm a Proud Vaper, and you should be too! You did it! You Quit smoking!
Well said! Thanks for speaking up for me/us! After 44 years of smoking and never being able to quit, I was less than a week with an ecig and I puff my last cigarette. It's a miracle, but if they take that away from me, I don't think I'd be able to not go back to smoking